Fixed asset tracking software designed
to save you time and money.

Streamline audits, ensure compliance, and improve asset visibility in your organization with RedBeam’s powerful solutions. 

See RedBeam in Action

Fill out the form to schedule a demo to discover a better way to track and manage your fixed assets with our all-in-one solution. 

Streamline Your Audit Process 

Gain Full Visibility of High-Value Assets

Maintain Regulatory and Compliance Standards

User-Friendly Tracking Software

An Established Leader in Asset Tracking Software
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Meet RedBeam

RedBeam is an asset tracking software that gives you complete visibility of your high-value assets in an easy-to-use, scalable platform.

Getting started with RedBeam is as simple as barcoding your assets, scanning them into your system, and tracking all your asset data on a unified platform – no more spreadsheets or manual entry.


How It Works

Eliminate disorganized spreadsheets, endless searching, and unnecessary costs with our easy-to-use asset tracking software. It’s as simple as barcode, scan, and track to consolidate all your asset management activities into one unified platform.


Add asset tags to prepare your fixed assets for quick and easy data entry. Barcoding allows you to look up assets by serial number or asset ID and reduces the chance for human error.


Point and scan each asset into your database quickly with handheld scanners or mobile devices. With this simple scanning and data entry method at your fingertips, you can reclaim valuable time spent on manual, labor-intensive audits.





After barcoding and scanning all your fixed assets into the RedBeam database, you can closely track and manage your assets in real time. The tracking capabilities of RedBeam gives you visibility into the fixed assets you have, where they are, and how they impact your bottom line.

Why Thousands of Leaders Trust RedBeam for Asset Tracking

Over the past several months, we've been trying to maximize our firm's use of the asset tracking system. Every time we've reached out for assistance, no matter how complex or simple the question we've received nothing but professionalism and accuracy in solving our issues. Knowledge of your product is excellent. We really felt like you cared about my business. It takes a special company to foster that kind of work ethic.

Hector Taylor

Booz Allen Hamilton

The technical support at RedBeam is second to none with you very knowledgeable and friendly support staff. The software is simple to use and is a great value. The reporting and inventory control is outstanding, and I would recommend RedBeam products to anyone. 

C. Cornett

Texas Motor Speedway

Your software is AWESOME!!! The system worked perfectly and I can't thank your team enough for all the assistance!

N. Berti

Goodie Two Shoes Foundation

Explore RedBeam’s Asset Tracking Features


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Mobile Ready

Use enterprise mobile devices, like Zebra’s TC52 Touch Computer with embedded laser scanners, for scan-intensive activities like taking physical inventories. Or use your Android or iOS smartphone or tablet to add and manage your fixed assets on the fly.

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Asset Tagging

Barcodes simplify record-keeping, increase data integrity, and reduce errors. They show ownership and reduce labor costs by making data entry faster.

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Store & Forward

Oftentimes, assets are located in areas with limited internet connectivity. With store and forward, you can keep working — even if you’re nowhere near a WIFI or mobile data signal.

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Smart Data Import

Use a CSV file to easily add and update asset information using an existing spreadsheet or new one.

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Custom Fields

Use custom fields to enter additional information about your assets so you can record more appropriate information.

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Rest API

RedBeam REST API provides a powerful, convenient, and simple Web services API for interacting with the asset tracking system.

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Detailed History

Every change made to assets in the system is date-, time- and user-stamped for audit control purposes.

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Role-Based Access

Role-based user security enables you to easily restrict system access to employees as needed.

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With web-based asset management, you don’t need to worry about installation. You can just log in and get started.

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Secure Data

Hosted on Google Cloud, which uses secure-by-design infrastructure to protect your information.

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Unlimited Locations

With unlimited locations, you can add as many companies, buildings, and rooms as you need.

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Check Out

Track assets as they move within your company and between employees, in the same building or across widespread branches and work sites.

See RedBeam in Action

Interested in learning more about our asset tracking system? Schedule a free demo with our team so we can show you how RedBeam can support your business.